Sports Awareness Campaign on the Pak-Afghan Border, 2021
The first step toward change is awareness!
MTF continues to hold its ‘’Sports Awareness Campaign’’ every year in the most remote and conservative areas of Pakistan along Afghanistan Border, where millions of girls are in dire need of guidance and support. Maria Toorpakai herself was born on the Pak-Afghan border so girls and families here find it inspiring to meet & talk to her. Its one of Maria’s dreams to see more female athletes from this region that is adversely affected by extreme patriarchy, strict cultural norms and militancy prohibiting girls from getting education while sports are not even a question. Each year, Maria herself visits various girls’ schools and villages in these areas to encourage girls into sports and education. It is mind-blowing to see many parents themselves started bringing out their daughters to meet her and play sports. This behavior from parents in this region is unprecedented and the harbinger for change. Pashtun girls are clearly talented in the Tribal areas (Pak-Afghan Border) and no doubt there are hidden world-class athletes who need to be explored.
Maria Toorpakai Wazir’s Virtual Fitnes Sessions were attended by girls and women from all over the world.
Maria Toorpakai speaking to VOA about fitness and health. (Virtual Fitness Sessions during Quarantine)

Sports with Afghan Refugees in Peshawar, 2021
Sports are healing and a joyful therapy. There are so many refugees and forced migrants in the world today who have been through extreme trauma and persecution. Pakistan is home to nearly 3 million Afghan refugees. MTF continues to engage with the refugee camps reenergizing hope, strength, connectedness & the sense of belonging through sports. Maria spending time with children in Afghan refugee camp in Peshawar and playing sports to bring real joy & spirit to their lives. The only memory a child should have is of happy times playing sports. We strive to see a world where weapons are replaced with Sports & Books, war fields with sports grounds.
Virtual fitness Sessions for Women 2020
Covid-19 brought unexpected hard times for people around the world but despite all the difficulties it was an enlightening moment as people realized that the biggest wealth is health. During Covid lockdowns, many people suffered from depression and anxieties due to inactive restricted lifestyle. The restrictions also adversely affected athletes forcing them to cease their regular training & daily routine. Being mindful of the particular vulnerability of women during the crises, MTF introduced virtual fitness sessions for women, women with disabilities and especially girls athletes to keep them fit and optimistic.
Virtual Fitness Camp 2020
MTF's assigned coaches in Peshawar made sure our young female squash players stay fit, strong and hopeful during Covid lockdown as well as financial support was provided.
Fitness & Disability Session 2020
MTF is well aware of the health issues as well as fitness needs of the Women with Disability, therefore, conducted a special session. We were honored to have YU Chui Yee (Alison)- a Paralympic Gold Medalist from Hong Kong. Women with Disability from across Pakistan joined us and the session was live on Facebook followed by Q&A.
Fitness & Disability Session 2020
Fight against Corona virus:
Prevention is better than cure!
Covid-19 brought unexpected hard times for people around the world but despite all the difficulties it was an enlightening moment as people realized that the biggest wealth is health. During Covid lockdowns, many people suffered from depression and anxieties due to inactive restricted lifestyle. The restrictions also adversely affected athletes forcing them to cease their regular training & daily routine. Being mindful of the particular vulnerability of women during the crises, MTF introduced virtual fitness sessions for women, women with disabilities and especially girls athletes to keep them fit and optimistic.
MTF’s volunteers never stop when it comes to keeping communities healthy. They helped spread the message and distributed PPEs among the people of Peshawar during the Covid-19 crisis.
Squash Clinics
Maria Toorpakai teaching squash to young girls in Peshawar, Pakistan. Every year MTF organizes squash clinics for female squash players. Our wonderful coaches and volunteers run the sessions. We appreciate the wonderful parents for supporting their daughters and showing immense interest in our Squash Clinics.
Sports Equipment Program

MTF’s Sports Equipment distribution Program continues helping underprivileged children with a love for sports. Every year many young girls, as well as boys, are supported with sports gear under our Sports Equipment Program.
Sports for children with disabilities
Children with disabilities too deserve a joyous childhood where they can feel being treated like anybody else. Children with disabilities live a sad life in the developing world where they are considered burden. MTF held a sports day camp for children with disability to motivate and encourage them. It was surreal to see those happy smiling faces. They are smart, talented and sensitive human beings. They should feel included & their disability should not become barrier to their full participation.
The MTF Hackathon using Blockchain for Social Change
The MTF partnered with George Brown College, Toronto to create incredible opportunity for young professionals to design an online community for mentors and underprivileged young athletes through a blockchain system with the help of advisors.
Sports awareness Campaign, Nowshera (an ultra-conservative Pashtun district, KPK).
Campaigning to promote Sporty & Peaceful Pakistan. It was unbelievable to see fathers brought out their daughters to play sports with us
Young Boys Campaigning ‘‘Girls for Sports’’
This year young school boys passionately wanted to campaign for girls in sports (MTF annual Sports Awareness Campaign) in Peshawar, Pakistan. Its beautiful and a true step towards equality when boys support girls.
Sports Awareness Campaign
Each year, Maria herself visits various girls’ schools and villages in these areas to encourage girls into sports and education.
Visit to Jamia Islamia Madina (religious seminary)
Maria visits religious seminary to promote Sporty and Peaceful Pakistan. Head of the Madrassa, Molana Muhammad Saifullah showed us his school. It was truly amazing to know how decent, positive & progressive thinking they had. Maria Toorpakai Foundation (MTF) believes in equal access to sports & quality education & our support stays with all these beautiful children.
Women and Children Hospital Bannu
In 2014, Maria Toorpakai Foundation partnered with a local NGO, Community Empowerment & Emancipation Initiative (CEEI) to build Women and Children Hospital in Bannu, KPK, Pakistan. The decision to build a Hospital for women and children was taken after seeing the horrific health state of the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons ) of Waziristan after the Army Operation Zarb-e-Azb started against Militants in North Waziristan. Many of these IDPS were residing (in tents) on Maria Toorpakai’s father’s land/property which was then donated by her father for this purpose to build this hospital. This entire project was completed with Maria Toorpakai’s personal donation.
First Mixed-Doubles Squash Tournament in Solidarity with the War-affected IDPs from Waziristan:
MTF partnered with a local NGO, CEE to arrange "First Mixed-Doubles Squash Tournament" in Solidarity with the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) of Waziristan (Pak-Afghan Border).
War-affected children of Waziristan from Bakakhail IDPs Camp attended a one-day sports clinic in Bannu where the children were also selected for a sports tour to Islamabad. They enjoyed watching Pakistan’s top male and female squash players performing in Islamabad.
The IDPs were provided with clothes, shoes and food items. Some underprivileged young athletes from Rawalpindi division were gifted Harrow squash rackets, cash prizes were distributed among squash players. Thanks to our generous tournament sponsors Servis Shoes, Bank of Khyber, Harrow Sports, PSF, Community Empowerment & Emancipation Initiative (CEEI) and MTF. Chief Guests were the Hon'ble Canadian High Commissioner to Pakistan Mr.Greg Giokas & Air Marshal Razi Nawab.